Iceland 2016

Gerðuberg Columnar Basalt Even hexagonal columns of volcanic stone form a cliff with crumbled blocks of basalt below
Gerðuberg Columnar Basalt
Even hexagonal columns of volcanic stone form a cliff with crumbled blocks of basalt below
Mountains, fjords, sheeps Old buildings, sheep, fjord, mountains topped with snow, tips in clouds, streams of light onto the water and sky
Mountains, fjords, sheeps
Old buildings, sheep, fjord, mountains topped with snow, tips in clouds, streams of light onto the water and sky
Sevem Seals seven seals swim below ice and birds on ice in Jokulsarlon pond after sunset with an orange and pink sky reflected upon the water
Sevem Seals
seven seals swim below ice and birds on ice in Jokulsarlon pond after sunset with an orange and pink sky reflected upon the water
Sunset reflections Pink and Orange clouds after sunset glow in the sky and reflected upon a still pool in the foreground, with snow covered mountains and a glacial toungue down...
Sunset reflections
Pink and Orange clouds after sunset glow in the sky and reflected upon a still pool in the foreground, with snow covered mountains and a glacial toungue down…
Three pools, our conveyance, and some mountains Three Hot Tub pools with another two not visible in a broad valley near Hofn, empty but for us, perfectly temperate in turn, and beneath the crazy skies and...
Three pools, our conveyance, and some mountains
Three Hot Tub pools with another two not visible in a broad valley near Hofn, empty but for us, perfectly temperate in turn, and beneath the crazy skies and…
Hut against the light An abandoned house sits in front of snowcapped mountains and dramatic clouds in the sky, with the foreground comprising large still ponds refelcting the...
Hut against the light
An abandoned house sits in front of snowcapped mountains and dramatic clouds in the sky, with the foreground comprising large still ponds refelcting the…
Blue ice, old carbon deep blue ice from a glacier swims in Jokulsarlon pond with a slash of dark lava dust carved from its course to the sea
Blue ice, old carbon
deep blue ice from a glacier swims in Jokulsarlon pond with a slash of dark lava dust carved from its course to the sea
Ice on a black beach under dark clouds clear and translucent pieces of blue-ish pices of ice calved from a glacial toungue at Jokulsarlon, South Iceland
Ice on a black beach under dark clouds
clear and translucent pieces of blue-ish pices of ice calved from a glacial toungue at Jokulsarlon, South Iceland
Clouds dance around trhe monolith Clouds dance around a volcanic seeming monotlith with other volcanic cliffs nearby, all lit by dramatic clouds and occasional sun, with clouds wrappingt...
Clouds dance around trhe monolith
Clouds dance around a volcanic seeming monotlith with other volcanic cliffs nearby, all lit by dramatic clouds and occasional sun, with clouds wrappingt…
Lake and light High volcanic cliffs with a bit of snow and dramatic clouds and light shining down and reflecting off the water
Lake and light
High volcanic cliffs with a bit of snow and dramatic clouds and light shining down and reflecting off the water
Lava field and light dramatic sunset light illuminates far off snow-capped mountains while heather green and straw yellow moss covers a bumpy lava field in the foreground
Lava field and light
dramatic sunset light illuminates far off snow-capped mountains while heather green and straw yellow moss covers a bumpy lava field in the foreground
Rivers through lava flood plains
Rivers through lava flood plains
Horse, rocks, glaciers white horse in foreground eating hay with two darker horses in the midfield big mountains all around and a glacier in the distance
Horse, rocks, glaciers
white horse in foreground eating hay with two darker horses in the midfield big mountains all around and a glacier in the distance
Yellow barn missing its neighbor Yellow painted barn by the ocean witht eh outline of a house unpainted on its side and a bright bust rusted red metal roof
Yellow barn missing its neighbor
Yellow painted barn by the ocean witht eh outline of a house unpainted on its side and a bright bust rusted red metal roof